Societe Generale Factoring in short
One story, one network
SG Factoring is an S.p.A. with capital of € 11,801,111, created in 1987 and a 100% subsidiary of the French banking group Societe Generale.
As a specialist in the management of inter-company receivables (financing of customers and suppliers, management and recovery of receivables, guarantees against unpaid invoices), our company has developed specific products to meet the needs of SMEs and major groups.
SG Factoring is part of the division Global Transaction Banking (GTB) of the Societe Generale Group, which combines the activities of Factoring, Cash Management, Correspondent Banking, Trade Finance and currency risk hedging.
SG Factoring has a presence in the Italian market and internationally, through the network of branches of the Societe Generale Group and its membership in Factors Chain International (FCI), the first international factoring network.
SG Factoring also is a member of the Italian national association ASSIFACT.
Our expertise in the service of an aspiration
What is the current target of societe generale factoring?
To be a landmark in the factoring market. To achieve this, our company has focused on raising the professionalism of its personnel and the quality of its services.
Societe Generale factoring has the qualities to develop…
Our company acts proactively within the Global Transaction Banking department of a world-class international banking group. In this area, we are able to offer pan-European offerings to major corporate clients of Societe Generale in Europe.
… and to conquer the factoring market.
The Italian factoring market is growing steadily. The results? An increase in the volume of receivables brokered by factoring and continuous diversification of the offering.
Over the past few years, we have also seen a considerable increase in the use of factoring by medium-sized and large enterprises in Italy.
To meet the needs of our customers ever more satisfactorily, we have developed our international offering and we are able to offer structured solutions which also allow the deconsolidation of receivables (Pro Soluto IAS 39) or the financing of suppliers (Reverse Factoring).